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In this tutorial, we'll walk through fetching token balances for a Smart Contract Wallet using the Fusebox Web SDK in a Next.js application. We'll utilize React hooks to manage the State and display the token balances in a table format.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine.
  • Code Editor: Use your preferred code editor; VS Code is recommended.
  • An EOA wallet with a private key. You can use an existing one or create a new wallet.
  • A basic understanding of React.js and Next.js.
  • An API key from the Fuse Console. Get one here.

Step 1: Set Up a Next.js Project

If you haven't already set up a Next.js project, you can create one using the following commands:

npx create-next-app my-project
cd my-project

Answer the required prompts from NextJS in the terminal. We must note that we use TypeScript and Tailwind CSS for this application.

Step 2: Install Required Packages

Install the necessary packages by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install @fuseio/fusebox-web-sdk ethers

Step 3: Implement the Code

Replace the contents of pages/index.js with the following code:

// pages/index.js
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
const inter = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"] });

import { FuseSDK } from "@fuseio/fusebox-web-sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'

export default function Home() {
const [smartAccount, setSmartAccount] = useState<string>("")
const [tokenNames, setTokenNames] = useState([])
const [balances, setBalances] = useState({});

const smartWallet = async () => {
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // Replace with your API key
const credentials = new ethers.Wallet(`YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY`); // Replace with your private key
const fuseSDK = await FuseSDK.init(apiKey, credentials, {
withPaymaster: true,


const tokenList = await fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenList(smartAccount);

const tokenAddresses = => x.address);

const fetchedBalances = {};

for (const tokenAddress of tokenAddresses) {
const balance = await fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenBalance(tokenAddress, smartAccount);
fetchedBalances[tokenAddress] = balance;


useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return (
<main className={`flex flex-col items-center p-24 ${inter.className}`}>
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>Smart Account Address: {smartAccount}</p>
<div className="relative overflow-x-auto shadow-md sm:rounded-lg mt-12">
<table className="w-full text-sm text-left rtl:text-right text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">
<thead className="text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase dark:text-gray-400">
<th scope="col" className="px-6 py-3 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800">Token Name</th>
<th scope="col" className="px-6 py-3">Token Address</th>
<th scope="col" className="px-6 py-3 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-800">Amount</th>
{, index) => (
<tr key={index}>

Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" and "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY" with your actual API key and private key.

Step 4: Run Your Next.js Application

Run your Next.js application using the following command:

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application in action. You should see a table displaying the token names, addresses, and amounts associated with the Smart Contract Wallet.

That's it! Using the Fusebox Web SDK, you've successfully fetched and displayed token balances for a Smart Contract Wallet in a Next.js application. You can further customize the UI or add additional features per your requirements.

Step 5: Code breakdown

Let's break down the smartWallet function and explain the usage of the getTokenList and getTokenBalance methods:

const smartWallet = async () => {
// Initialize FuseSDK with API key and credentials
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // Replace with your API key
const credentials = new ethers.Wallet(`YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY`); // Replace with your private key
const fuseSDK = await FuseSDK.init(apiKey, credentials, {
withPaymaster: true,

// Get the Smart Account Address

// Get the list of tokens held by the Smart Contract Wallet
const tokenList = await fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenList(smartAccount);

// Extract token addresses from the token list
const tokenAddresses = => x.address);

// Fetch balances for each token
const fetchedBalances = {};

for (const tokenAddress of tokenAddresses) {
// Get the balance for the current token
const balance = await fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenBalance(tokenAddress, smartAccount);
// Store the balance in the fetchedBalances object with tokenAddress as key
fetchedBalances[tokenAddress] = balance;

// Update the balances state with the fetched balances

Now let's explain each part of the smartWallet function:

  1. Initialization:

    • We initialize the FuseSDK using the provided API key and credentials using FuseSDK.init().
    • The withPaymaster: true option enables the use of a paymaster.
  2. Getting Smart Account Address:

    • We retrieve the address of the Smart Account using fuseSDK.wallet.getSender() and set it to the smartAccount state variable.
  3. Getting Token List:

    • We use fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenList(smartAccount) to fetch the list of tokens held by the Smart Contract Wallet.
    • This method returns an array of objects, each containing information about a token, such as symbol, name, and address.
    • We set this array of token objects to the tokenNames state variable.
  4. Extracting Token Addresses:

    • We extract the token addresses from the tokenList array using the map() function and store them in the tokenAddresses array.
  5. Fetching Balances:

    • We initialize an empty object, fetchedBalances, to store the token balances.
    • We iterate over each tokenAddress in the tokenAddresses array.
    • For each tokenAddress, we use fuseSDK.explorerModule.getTokenBalance(tokenAddress, smartAccount) to fetch the balance of that token held by the Smart Contract Wallet.
    • We store each balance in the fetchedBalances object with the tokenAddress as the key.
  6. Updating State:

    • Finally, we update the balances state variable with the fetchedBalances object containing token balances.

This breakdown explains how each part of the smartWallet function works and utilizes the getTokenList and getTokenBalance methods to fetch token information and balances for a Smart Contract Wallet.